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Ways of improving self confidence in developing students speaking skills.

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Автор(ы): Хайитова Феруза Абдихаликовна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №4 2018»  (апрель, 2018)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2118
Показать PDF версию Ways of improving self confidence in developing students speaking skills.

Khayitova Feruza Abdikhalikovna
Uzbekistan. Termez State University


Language is the basis of the human communication used to exchange meanings between persons and even between generations; therefore it allows us to communicate with each other in a meaningful way.

Key words: easily, effectively, importance confidently.

Teaching English as a foreign language is based on some principle skills, receptive skills which include listening and reading and productive skills that involve writing and speaking. Since speaking is considered as an important skill by education systems. Thus, English as a foreign language student are obliged to master speaking skill in order to communicate their ideas easily, effectively, and confidently.

This article is an attempt for tackling many points; it will be a general overview on the speaking skill. First of all, we will suggest some definitions to speaking in order to make it more understandable. Then, we will deal with the importance of speaking and we will describe the relationship between speaking and listening. Also, it will speak about fluency and accuracy in speaking. Later on, we will deal with the types of speaking and we will describe some classroom speaking activities by mentioning the importance of each activity. Finally, we will deal with the roles of the teacher and the assessment of speaking skill. In general, speaking is a productive skill which means the ability to use language in order to communicate effectively with others. According to Cole et al. (2007), “Speaking is essential a collaborative and interactive process. It is an exchange. We may finish each other’s comments, interrupt, disagree with or extend what is said ” .This means that, speaking is an important process of interacting between English as a Foreign Language students for explaining, interrupting for clarification, or giving opinions and new ideas. So, speaking serves many things which can help the process of learning to be enhanced. Many researchers gave the speaking skill priority in their researches because of its important role in the process of teaching and learning foreign language. As Ur (1991) declares that, “of all the four skills [listening, speaking, reading and writing], speaking seems intuitively the most important: people who know a language are referred to as speakers of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing”. So, speaking is very important skill which helps students to use and to transmit knowledge in effective way.

In addition, In sum, the development of good speaking skills is no longer a bonus for language learners, but an essential aspect of their language-proficiency develpoment because it has a direct impact on the personal and professional success of many of them.

It means that in order to develop students’ language-proficiency, it is an important aspect to develop their speaking skill because they have great effect on their success in learning the foreign language.


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