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The semantics-stylistic analysis of concept "youth"

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Автор(ы): Тошпулатова Мехринисо Киличевна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №12 2015»  (декабрь 2015)
Количество просмотров статьи: 3108
Показать PDF версию The semantics-stylistic analysis of concept "youth"

Филологические науки
Тошпулатова Мехринисо Киличевна

Purpose given in this is a Semantics-stylistic analysis “youth”. In this plan introduces possible to differentiate the concept "youth" on two groups: stylistic marked and neutral.

The Analysis of the language material has shown that stylistic marked lexicon forms 73% from the total number of “youth”, but neutral -27%. The Further analysis is dedicated to study of the nature of stylistic importance in concept “youth”. In accordance with theory, designed in functioning (working) the row of the researchers, stylistic importance is differentiated as follows: figurative, emotional, merit and expressive importance [3; 45;30;]. Certainly, discovery of these types of stylistic importance carries in some degree conditional nature, since in each concrete event all these types of importance are closely interconnected and interdependence. However delimitations their turns out to be necessary in purpose of the more detailed scientific analysis, in that since or other events one or another type importance’s turns out to be dominating. We shall consider consecutively, as each of specified types of stylistic importance reveals itself in “youth”.

Arutinova writes: "Bright image is founded on use resemblance between two distant that line difference shaded resemblance" [1, c. 74]. In its work, we keep the interpretations V.A.Maslovo: "under figurativeness of the language units is understood their ability to create graphically-voluptuous are presented about subject and phenomena’s to reality" [4, c.44.] usually expressed trope ( metaphor, metonymy, antonamition, personification and etc.). What shows the language material in figurative “youth” broadly presented following stylistic acceptance: but) metaphor ( approaches two notions on the grounds of resemblance on one or several signs): unlinked cub, lamb, bud lemon, tomato, peach, doll, mouse, pup, cat, kitty, bundle of joy, cove, the sere and yellow, leaf, chair-days, baggage, fox bud, sylph, o wall flower, between grass and hay, spring chicken, two penny, inappropriate blessing; b) метонимия ( is from carrying of nomination with one notions on others on base their real relationship, on base of adjacency sign that is it already displayed in preceding meaning and new marked): wet-nose, young bloods, sweet seventeen, sleuth head, a bread and butter miss, long in the tooth, wet behind the ears, dry behind the ears, old head on young shoulders; c) artistic comparison ( correlates the subjects, notion, not identifying them, considering insulated): as old as Adam, as old as Methuselah, as old as hills, as solemn ( wise ) as an old owl, as green as gooseberry, as green as grass, fresh as arose, fresh as April, as young Aurora, as if new-born, as they had been in youth, as a young tiger.

Importance "inexperienced person " much often appears in “youth” as metaphoric importance, marking young people: unlicked cub, greeher, chicken, sucklings, pup, calf, a callow youth.

An unlicked cub - green, yellow junker; - wet behind the ears ( the turn is connected with medieval popular belief about that bear cub are born formless and that ursa, licking them, will add him due type).

In given example exists metaphoric carrying with names young animal. Thereby, at nomination of the inexperienced person often emerge “youth”, characterizing age "youth" word-combinations, offers and context. E.M.VOLIF notes that in plan of the estimation the most significant is a lexical level, presented adjective and adverb, which find the enormous variety of the merit semantics [5, c.7].

The Adjective characterize the person on his physical, psychic and social characteristic. For instance, on physical characteristic of the person characterize on age, the general characteristic to appearance, on quotient sign bodies - a colour hair, eye and many others. Hereinafter these features can be objective  the age), so and subjective ( the general estimations to appearance) [5, c.55]. Introduces that given position requires the certain commentary. It is impossible comply with statement Volifa that feature of the age is objective. Opposite, dominating amount stylistic marked units in “youth” is indicative of that that feature of the age in most cases is subjective-merit. Absolute and comparative estimation select in categories worthy researchers. The Absolute estimation analyses one merit object (well - bad), but comparative estimation is founded on collation on extremely measure two objects with each other ( better - worse).Subjective-emotional estimation is kept in the following expressions: inexperienced lad, verdant youth, unfledged man, callow youth, venerable person, absolute estimation is presented mainly in “youth”:


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