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Автор(ы): Хаитова Дилафруз Бекпулатовна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №5 2021»  (май, 2021)
Количество просмотров статьи: 1888

Kilichov Jasur Pozilovich,
teacher of English
at Samarkand State Insitute of Foreign Languages,

Abstract: This article examines the features of teaching a foreign language to adult learners. The necessary pedagogical conditions for the productive learning of a foreign language by adults are identified, and aspects of solving this issue are determined.

Key words: foreign language, adult learners, linguistic experience, motivation, pedagogical conditions, “competence-based” approach,

In our time of globalization of society, expansion of international relations and cooperation with other countries in the field of politics, economy and culture, a large number of adults feel the need to learn a foreign language in order to become a participant in international activities and communication. Despite this, many adults have difficulty learning a foreign language. Knowing and taking into account some of the features of teaching a foreign language to adult learners will help optimize the educational process and use methodological techniques as efficiently as possible.

According to psychologists, logical memory improves with age, but short-term memory worsens. A favorable factor is the interconnectedness and coordination of functions, which compensates for individual shortcomings [1]. For example, the accumulated experience, well-developed logical thinking will help to replenish the volume of short-term memory. Linguistic experience can demonstrate both negative and positive effects on learning efficiency. Lack of knowledge in the native language can make it difficult to understand and master grammatical and lexical structures.

Also, motivation plays an important role in adult education, which encourages a person to take action, mobilizes his internal energy and directs his actions and actions.

When working with an adult audience, attention is required to the personality of each student, taking into account his social role. To create suitable comfortable conditions for increasing the speech activity of students, it is necessary to strive for natural and informal communication, which is characterized by responsiveness, participation and direct attention to the interlocutor. The tone should be interested and trusting.

In addition, to create emotional comfort for students in interpersonal relationships, one should take into account not only the level of language proficiency, but also the age of the group members. Students should be evaluated, corrected, and rewarded for success and effort.

Following A.V. Ballast [2], it is possible to identify several pedagogical conditions for the effective teaching of a foreign language to adults. According to many scientists, the main differences between an adult learner are as follows:

1. An adult student is an independent and self-governing person who has life experience, including learning.

2. Each adult student has his own specific motivation for learning a foreign language, which, most often, is associated with his professional activity.

3. The adult learner tries to immediately apply theoretical knowledge in practice in everyday and professional life

4. An adult learner has fairly high requirements for the quality of education and its results.

Based on all of the above, the main pedagogical principles in teaching. the adult group of students are: individualization, reliance on experience, the principle of joint activities, the practical orientation of training, the role of the teacher in organizing training, providing advice and the necessary quality knowledge.

Many psychologists identify eight important features in adult learning.

1. Adult learners should be motivated to learn. Their learning will be effective only if they have a strong desire to master new skills and abilities. Motivation cannot be imposed, but it can be stimulated from the outside.

2. An adult learner will study only what they consider important and necessary for their application in practice.

3. Adult learners learn by doing. If they have the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in practice, consolidate it, repeat it regularly, then the new knowledge will hold out longer than with “passive” learning.

4. Adult learners should be guided, not “evaluated”. Many of them are critical of themselves, their abilities, so they can be negatively affected by competition for fear of public condemnation [3].

Interpersonal interaction is one of the most important conditions for the effective and successful teaching of a foreign language to adults. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of interpersonal interaction improves the learning process and leads to the most effective adult learning.

I believe that for the successful teaching of a foreign language to adults, constant interaction between the student and the teacher is necessary at all stages of the educational process from planning to results.

Thus, we are talking about a “competence-based” approach, which implies the formation and development of different competencies, the creation of opinions, relationships and the desire to develop. All of these goals meet the expectations of the adult learner.


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