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Шомуродова Шахло Жахоновна,
заведующая кафедрой методики и практики английского языка,
Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков,
Назарова Нуржахон Баходыровна,
преподаватель английского языка,
Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков,
Акрамова Камола,
Студентка факультета английского языка - I,
Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков,
Abstract: This article discusses the barriers and solutions that are encountered in the process of teaching a foreign language to junior classes.
Keywords: Junior classes, English language teaching, barriers, class, school, pupils.
Teaching a foreign language at school requires a high level of professional skill, love for children, as well as the effort and ability to present the material in such a way that pupils not only successfully learned it, but also showed interest in the subject. This can be achieved, of course, with some effort, and, as practice shows, success depends not so much on experience, but on the enthusiasm, energy and interest of the teacher.
We see the school as a special place where, unlike the university, the teacher is not only a teacher, but also, above all, an educator. That is why taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child is necessary. There may be certain problems when teaching a foreign language at school, but they should not be an obstacle, but an incentive for the professional growth of the teacher. Among them are the following:
1) the problem of early learning that affects the psychological and age characteristics of a particular child;
2) the task of effectively introducing play activities into the educational process in order to increase the motivation of children;
3) the difficulty of mastering written speech at the age of primary school pupils;
4) the question of teaching phonetic material due to lack of time in the lesson.
Learning a foreign language from a psychological point of view is “a complex process of forming a new speech system in the cortex of the brain, which begins to coexist and constantly interact with the already developed system of the native language, experiencing its interfering influence.”
Researchers and teachers have noticed that children are most susceptible to learning a foreign language at the age of 3 to 10 years, which allows the teacher to conduct lessons with primary school pupils effectively, getting a visible result:
“Special classes can be started with children
Barrier 1.
The problem of early learning, which affects the psychological and age characteristics of a particular child, is always the most relevant, since the study of a foreign language in primary school corresponds to the most favorable and susceptible to knowledge period of children’s development. Researchers have long identified a close relationship between methods of teaching foreign languages and psychology (B. Belyaev, N. Jinkin, G. Rogova, M. Kasparova) [3, 19].
It is especially important to remember that primary school pupils are inattentive due to this period of their development, so even if children are distracted, can not focus on the educational material or stop listening to the teacher, it does not make sense to punish them with a bad grade or scold them, since this method will only work for the next few minutes.
Pupils will remember everything new, unexpected, and bright without any effort, but they may miss important, “serious” details of the material being taught. Researchers note that only the third-grade attention can be maintained continuously throughout the lesson. In the normal development of a child during primary school, all the properties of attention, except switching, become almost the same as in an adult. At the same time, attention switching in younger schoolchildren is even better developed than in adults, which is explained by the mobility of nervous processes [1, 103].
The specificity of working with younger pupils is also the need to select such methods and means of teaching that would be effective and interesting to the pupils themselves. It is necessary to take into account the fact that schoolchildren remember visual material better: their perception is characterized by high emotionality and brightness of images.
Barrier 2.
The task of effective introduction of game activity into the educational process in order to increase the motivation of children. Younger pupils are less likely to perceive symbolic and schematic images, and visual material is better. In the process of learning, children need bright images, frequent changes of events and activities, otherwise they get tired quite quickly due to their age characteristics. In the process of learning a foreign language, many analyzers are used: visual — for the perception of visual material, auditory-for the perception of oral speech, some exercises require the participation of touch (games “Guess the letter by touch”, “Show with your hands”).
Decision. Mini-projects “what the letter looks like” are useful for developing thinking. Children choose a letter of the English alphabet (for example, S), select words that begin with S, draw a letter-image — in the form of a snake (snake), paint it silver (silver), decorate it with stars (stars) and stripes, ribbons (stripes), draw it in the sun circle (sun). Then the child must make a representation of their letter.
In the process of performing such tasks, the child’s versatile development occurs: imagination, memory, perseverance, the ability to finish the job, communication skills are actively involved and stimulated to improve, there is a connection between abstract-logical and imaginative types of thinking.
Barrier 3.
The difficulty of mastering written speech at the age of primary school pupils. Teaching writing is one of the most important aspects of modern language teaching methods. As you master writing, coherent speech develops, which involves “mastering the lexical stock and grammatical structure of the language, as well as their practical application, the ability to use the learned material, namely, the ability to consistently, coherently, clearly convey to others the content of the read text or independently compiled text”.
Decision. Mastering written speech in both native and foreign languages directly affects the formation of a complete language personality, so this aspect requires special attention of the teacher, because everything that is laid down in childhood will form the basis for personal development in the future. There are many programs for teaching children a foreign language, but it’s not just about choosing the right one. In primary school, a particularly important role is played by the personality of the teacher, his ability to interest pupils, engage them in the subject, “do not frighten”, and teach children to learn. Therefore, in our opinion, the solution to this problem is facilitated, first of all, by careful and competent selection of teachers for teaching younger pupils.
Teaching a foreign language to junior pupils requires special skills of the teacher, because he has a huge responsibility. It is important not only to know a foreign language, but also to be able to teach it, love your work, be tactful and responsible.