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Автор(ы): Sarieva Zamira
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №12 2023»  (декабрь, 2023)
Количество просмотров статьи: 134

Sariyeva Zamira


In linguistics, the contrastive analysis is used to compare two languages based on scientific principles which is usually used by experts based on various data analysis. The data that is used in the contrastive analysis includes four aspects: semantics, syntax, morphology, and phonology.

Because of these aspects contrastive analysis is very helpful to learn pronouns in these two particular languages. As, contrastive analysis helps to analyse of English and Indonesian pronouns to get the similarities and the differences about them. So, the work is focused on such phenomena to be used as research entitled “Contrastive Analysis between English Pronouns and Indonesian Pronomina”.

Key words: comparison, structure, semantics, syntax, morphology

Contrastive analysis is an method that uses to compare and to identify the similarities and the differences between English and Indonesian languages. Besides that, contrastive analysis also tries to overcome the problem by contrasting the system of both languages to predict the difficulties that commonly happen.

English Pronouns.

English pronoun is a word in the English that is used as substitutes for noun or noun phrase.So, pronouns take the place of a noun in a sentence.

Indonesian Pronomina

Indonesian pronomina is a word in the Indonesian language that is used to replace people or things. Indonesian pronomina has a position to replace noun or noun phrase. Based on the definition of key terms above, the work shows that contrastive analysis is a method that the work uses to compare and to identify the similarities and the differences between English pronouns and Indonesian pronomina.

Traditionally, contrastive methodology starts with a description of selected data.There are two basic processes, that is description and comparison. Additionally, the descriptions must use the same theoretical model. The model chosen will then naturally determine how the contrasted.

Pronouns in English Based on Hotben D. Lingga and Lim Ali Utomo in Intisari Tata Bahasa Inggris Kontemporer book, there are 8 kinds of English pronoun:

1) Personal Pronoun (I, we, you, he, she, it, they)

I am a teacher

You are a student

We sing a song

They live in Japan

2) Possessive Pronoun (mine, yours, ours, his, hers, its, theirs)

This table is hers

Mary has brought her bag

Don’t lose your balance!

3) Reflexive Pronouns (myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves)

She lost herself

You will deceive yourself

4) Demonstrative Pronouns (this, these, that, those, such, same, etc)

This is a table

That is a book

These are bags

Those are cats

5) Interrogative Pronoun (who?, which?, what?, whose?, who?)

What are you doing?

Who knows the answer?

Whom is this article for?

Whose notebook did you see?

Where will she stay?

Why is he so happy?

6) Relative Pronoun (who, which, that, what, whom, as, whoever, whatever, etc)

The man who speaking is Mr. Smith

7) Indefinite Pronouns (all, any, nobody, nothing, etc)

Nothing happened . Everything is okay

8) Distributive Pronoun (each, either, neither, etc)

There were four rooms, each with wonderful views of the garden

Based on Hasan Alwi et al in Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia EdisiKetiga, there are 7 kinds of Indonesian pronomina.

They are:

1) Pronomina Persona Pertama

Pronomina persona pertama is a singular form.

( The first person singular)

Such as: saya, aku, daku, and diriku.

Although all these forms are translated as ‘I’ to English languages, but they have the different pragmatic meaning.As, “saya” is more official form of ‘I’.

2) Pronomina Persona Kedua

The second person singular.

Pronomina persona kedua have some form, such as: engkau, kamu, dikau, kau-, mu, and dirimu.

Mengapa engkau kemarin tidak masuk?

Why didn’t you come yesterday?

3) Pronomina Persona Ketiga

The third person singular

Pronomina persona ketiga divide in two types: ia, dia, or -nya, andbeliau.

“beliau” is considered more formal and polite form of the third person singular:

Dia setuju dengan pendapat kami

Putra beliaubelajar di Atma Jaya

The table below illustrates types of personal pronouns in English and Indonesian languages:

4) Nomina Penyapa dan Pengacu (Pengganti Pronomina Persona)

Generally, nomina penyapa dan pengacu related to kinship terms, such as: Bapak, Ibu, Kakak, Adik, Saudara, and the name of position, such as: lurah, profesor, dokter, and kapten. These words can be used as replaceof personal pronouns.

Bagaimana pikir saudara?

(How) What do you think?

Tadi sore pergi ke mana, Pak?

Where did you go this afternoon, sir?

5) Pronomina Penunjuk Umum Pronomina penunjuk umum is ini, itu, and anu. Pronomina penunjuk umum can function as a subject or object in a sentence. “Ini” can be translated as ‘this’ and “itu” can be translated as ‘ that’ into English language.

Dia melihat ini kemarin

He saw this yesterday

6) Pronomina Penunjuk Tempat

Pronomina penunjuk tempat in Indonesian is sini, situ, sana,

begini, and begitu. These pronouns can be translated as: here, there

Anda akan berangkat dari sini

7) Pronomina Penanya

Pronomina penanya is a pronoun that use as a question marker.

Such as: siapa, apa, mana, mengapa, kenapa, kapan, di mana,

bagaimana, berapa : Sepedamu yang mana?

Di mana sekarang Pak Miskun tinggal?

8) Pronomina Possessiva: Ia mengambil bukuku

9) PronominaPenghubung

To conclude, we can say that there are particular similarities in the usage of pronouns in English and Indonesian languages. There are common features in the denotation of subject. But, there are also some differences in the structure of the sentences with the pronouns in comparison of English and Indonesian languages.


1. A.S. Broto, Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Bahasa Kedua di Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Pendekatan Linguistik Kontrastif (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1980), 34

2. Hasan Alwi et al, Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia 3rd Edition (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2003), 251-266.

3. Sri Utami. CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ENGLISH PRONOUNS AND INDONESIAN PRONOMINA IN THE STORY OF AN HOUR BY KATE CHOPIN AND ITS TRANSLATION. THESIS Composed to State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain S1 Degree (S.Pd) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training English Education Department. 2019